A game Barry and I like to play whenever we are out and about is…spot the Brits. I dunno, maybe it’s the black socks and sandals, maybe it’s the ‘football’ jersey’s they wear, the obviously painful sunburns they sport, or all the tatoo’s everyone has (chicks and guys…babies, too!), but you can spot a Brit.

While Tember was living with us, she got really good at picking out the Brits in a crowd and she was from small town Mississippi.

Here, you play.

Ok, there aren’t any Brits in this one. But ya gotta love the guy that’s daring enough to wear camo to Disney. Let’s go mouse hunting!!!

You can even play in black and white!

Some folks walking past me. The surfer dude was really funny. He was hanging out with a bunch of his friends and they seemed cool.

The lady had a beautiful salwar. She was British.

This guy (at the bottom with the hat) looked so resigned and fatalistic. He wife and teen daughter where in the giftshop and he was just resting against the wall with this “I’m soooo broke ” look on his face.
Disney ain’t cheap.

I have to admit after being around so many British folks, that they have been the nicest, most polite, yet wild group ever. I always thought Brits were supposed to be so reserved, stuffy, but maybe we just get them all on their good days, because they are really fun.